FUTURE addresses adult educators in order to provide them with practical tools to improve their skills, as required by the new strategy “Upskilling Pathways: New Opportunities for Adults” (EU 19.12.16 on pathways to improve the level skills: new opportunities for adults). One of the pillars is to support the initial training and continuous professional development of personnel engaged in the provision of up-skilling paths, particularly teachers and professional trainers. In fact, educators are seen as models in our society and it is vital for them to be equipped with adequate digital skills, to be able to actively participate in the society with the role they play.

For these reasons, the partnership collected different case studies related to teaching methodologies through digital tools.

Case Studies

European Digital Learning Network

UPI – Ljudska univerza Žalec

Turin Institute for the Deaf (IST)

Lodz University of Technology

E-Business Academy


PIM – Projects in Motion


Fundación tecnología social